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Brian Light | Talking about love


Brian Light is the author of HUMANWIRED, a blog about feelings and love. He has been blogging for some years about many subject from technology, website review and services review but has now started his blog about his favourite subject that is feeling.

The HUMANWIRED project is the continuation of a free-hosting wordpress blog he had when he started blogging but was not interested in continuing because the lack of visitors. Having gain some more experience of what we mean by feelings and how people are and why they do such and such thing, he has started this new project and he is now a reference when talking about love.

Brian Light: “I would like to thank Dey (my beautiful fiancée) who helped me in understanding the world of feelings around me and who always encourage me in everything I started. There is nothing more worthy than you to me. Thank you girl. And to thank also each and everyone of my reader who encourages me to go on with your visits and comments.”

Hope you’ll enjoy this journey with us and as Brian Light says: Cheerio…